S. No. | Title and Authors Name |
1. | Atypical radiological findings of Wegener’s granulomatosis Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Dr. Priya Sinha, Dr. Aftab Ahmed and Rajiv Gupta Pages: 01-02 - Viewed: 2298 - Downloaded: 809 |
2. | Update and critical appraisal of topical azithromycin ophthalmic 1% (Azasite) solution in the treatment of ocular infection Dr. Jawed Iqbal Pages: 03-09 - Viewed: 3446 - Downloaded: 1918 |
3. | Clinical spectrum in congenital nasal duct obstruction Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Dr. Priya Sinha and Dr. Deepak Lakra Pages: 10-11 - Viewed: 2248 - Downloaded: 777 |
4. | Decision making in surgical management of Uveitic cataracts Dr. Rakesh Kumar, Dr. Priya Sinha, Dr Nimish Kumar Singh and Rajiv Gupta Pages: 12-14 - Viewed: 2356 - Downloaded: 965 |
5. | Prevalence and prognostic significance of retinal findings in pediatric cerebral malaria cases at a Tertiary Care Centre in eastern India Dr. Nimish Kumar Singh, Dr. Sunil Kumar and Dr. VB Sinha Pages: 15-17 - Viewed: 2236 - Downloaded: 849 |
6. | Effect of intravitreal Bevacizumab on macular edema secondary to retinal vascular occlusion Dr. Nimish Kumar Singh and Vidya Bhusan Sinha Pages: 23-25 - Viewed: 2264 - Downloaded: 798 |
7. | The role of perioperative nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs use in cataract surgery Dr. Kanchan Mala Pages: 26-30 - Viewed: 2333 - Downloaded: 879 |
8. | Effect of psychological implications on life style for different amount of deviation for alternate exotropia Partha Haradhan Chowdhury, Brinda Haren Shah and Nripesh Tiwari Pages: 31-33 - Viewed: 2218 - Downloaded: 776 |
9. | Disc drag: Sequelae of spontaneously regressed retinopathy of prematurity Dr. Shilpi H Narnaware and Dr. Prashant K Bawankule Pages: 34-35 - Viewed: 2713 - Downloaded: 1327 |
10. | Prednisolone acetate and sodium diclofenac along with ciprofloxacin in cases of viral conjunctivitis Roohi Sharma, Ujala Sharma and Brij Mohan Gupta Pages: 36-38 - Viewed: 1511 - Downloaded: 550 |
11. | A clinical study of diabetic patients who underwent the retinopathy while in the deficiency of calcitriol: Tertiary care teaching hospital based study Dr. Subodh Kumar Agarwal and Dr. Rashmi Agarwal Pages: 39-42 - Viewed: 1388 - Downloaded: 450 |
12. | An analysis to know the efficacy of hyalase in the treatment of early pterygium Dr. Subodh Kumar Agarwal and Dr. Rashmi Agarwal Pages: 43-46 - Viewed: 1410 - Downloaded: 464 |
13. | Study on ocular fundus changes in pregnancy induced hypertension in a tertiary care hospital Dr. Bhavya HU and Dr. Mahesh Babu Pages: 47-49 - Viewed: 1150 - Downloaded: 415 |
14. | Prevalence of refractive error among school aged children attending the outpatient department of a tertiary eye care centre Dr. Mahesh Babu, Dr. Bhavya HU and Dr. Sudhakar NA Pages: 50-54 - Viewed: 1262 - Downloaded: 552 |
15. | Assessment of refractive error and related ocular morbidities between school children: An analytical observational study Sahitya Tatineni Pages: 55-58 - Viewed: 740 - Downloaded: 305 |
16. | An observational study to assess the etiology and staging of neovascular glaucoma Sahitya Tatineni Pages: 59-62 - Viewed: 708 - Downloaded: 248 |
17. | A clinical investigation on the relationship between diabetic retinopathy and diabetic nephropathy Dr. Sabiha Tabssum and Dr. Anila Sushma Challa Pages: 63-66 - Viewed: 211 - Downloaded: 65 |
18. | Study of assessment of the corneal endothelial cell count in phacoemulsification versus manual small incision cataract surgery Vinay Kumar RS and J Kavya Rao Pages: 67-71 - Viewed: 66 - Downloaded: 32 |
19. | A prospective study of visual outcome and IOP changes following Nd:YAG laser capsulotomy in patients with posterior capsular opacity J Kavya Rao and Vinay Kumar RS Pages: 72-75 - Viewed: 76 - Downloaded: 35 |