International Journal of Medical Ophthalmology
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Vol. 5 Issue 2 Part B

2023, Vol. 5 Issue 2, Part B
Correlation of macular optical coherence tomography pattern and visual recovery after vitrectomy with silicone oil for retinal detachment
Author(s): Omar Mohamed Massoud, EL-Saied Ebrahim El-Dessouky, Yasser Ragab Serag and Mostafa Abdellatif Abo El Enin
Background: Silicone oil (SO) is commonly employed as a durable replacement for the vitreous substitute following vitreoretinal surgery to treat retinal detachment accompanied by significant proliferative vitreoretinopathy. The aim of the work was to correlate macular optical coherence tomography (OCT) pattern and visual recovery after vitrectomy with SO for retinal detachment.
Methods: This interventional, prospective, comparative study included 60 patients aged up to 18 years old, both sexes, with retinal detachment and had done pars plana vitrectomy (PPV) and used SO as tamponade. Al participants were distributed into two equal groups: The first group presented with rhegmatogenous retinal detachment (RRD), up to eighteen participants were macula On, while the remaining twelve were macula Off and Group II: presented with tractional retinal detachment involving the macular area.
Results: Correlation between multifocal electroretinography (MFERG) and OCT signs there is marked depression in conduction of MFERG because of silicone filled eye. In comparison between central foveal thickness at postoperative month-3 and MFERG, there was no statistically variation among both groups since there was marked depression of amplitude and prolonged latency of P1in both groups. In group I all patients postoperative by 3 months gained improvement in the acuity of vision over 20/200, group II P1 latency in patients with visual acuity (VA) better than 20/200, there was no marked variation between both groups.
Conclusions: Performing non-contact OCT before the removal of SO is important. OCT is very helpful in decision making of timing of SO removal. The condition of the macula whether macula on or off preoperatively is the most important factor in predicting visual outcome.
Pages: 113-121  |  444 Views  148 Downloads
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International Journal of Medical Ophthalmology
How to cite this article:
Omar Mohamed Massoud, EL-Saied Ebrahim El-Dessouky, Yasser Ragab Serag, Mostafa Abdellatif Abo El Enin. Correlation of macular optical coherence tomography pattern and visual recovery after vitrectomy with silicone oil for retinal detachment. Int J Med Ophthalmol 2023;5(2):113-121. DOI: 10.33545/26638266.2023.v5.i2b.163
International Journal of Medical Ophthalmology
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