Pattern of uveitis: A study at regional eye hospital
Author(s): Dr. Lakum Archana
Abstract: Aim & Objectives: To study the pattern of uveitis and common causes of uveitis in our region.
Methodology: In the present study, 100 patients with uveitis, attending Regional Eye Hospital, Warangal were included. The average age of presentation these patients was around 40 years with no significant gender preponderance. All patients underwent a through systemic and ocular examination. A tailored laboratory investigation was done in each case to facilitate diagnosis.
Results: Most common type of uveitis in our study was anterior uveitis which was chronic and non-infectious in nature. Diagnosis was made with respect to the type and etiology of uveitis. Etiology remained undetermined in majority of cases. Most common cause in present study was Tuberculosis and Rheumatoid arthritis. Most common complications were macular oedema and raised intraocular pressure. Majority of patients responded well to treatment.
Conclusion: The most common specific etiology was tuberculosis; however most of the cases were idiopathic. There was no significant sex predisposition seen.